Tuesday, April 19, 2011

keeping on schedule

I find it kind of hilarious I'm even going to write on this topic because it is the main thing I struggle with!

I have this deep desire to keep on a schedule and routine but something in my brain does not compute that way.  I'm a spontaneous, go with the flow kind of girl and routine just doesn't work (or sound all that interesting to me!).   I always wonder how other wives keep there homes relatively neat and orderly.  I find myself wondering: "Are we just slobs?  Am I the world's worst homemaker?  What is wrong with me that I can't keep it together?!"

Well, I'll tell you what is wrong.  I don't have a schedule or routine!  God seems to work in themes in my life.  He puts preachers, books and speakers all around me to direct me to the same message.  I'm a little slow on the learning curve so I suppose God just knows He needs to drill this stuff into my head.  In the past couple months I've probably heard 4 different speakers about homecare, schedules and routine.  We are doing a Bible study in our Women's ministry at church that emphizes schedules and a routine.  I just read a book that told me I need a schedule and a routine.  Notice a pattern?!?

A great place to look to for what you need to be doing as a Christian wife, mother and homemaker is the woman in Proverbs 31.  Now that is a lady who had it all together!

She had her priorities in order:

Priority #1:  The Lord
Priority #2: Her Husband
Priority #3: Her Home
Priority #4: Her Children
Priority #5: Her Private Life
Priority #6: Her Public Life

In a Bible study I'm a part of we learned that priority management is a biblical concept and that we are responsible to make the most of each day given to us by God.  Ephesians 5:15-16 tells us:

"Look carefully then how you walk!  Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of the time (buying up each opportunity) because the days are evil"

-taken from The Home Experience by Devi Titus

So, how do I even begin?  I stumbled upon a product from Motivated Moms that is a daily task list with little boxes to check off as I complete them each day.  (I do love me a good 'to do' list!)  I purchased it a couple days ago and printed it off.  I hope to start it Sunday since that is when the weekly list begins.  I'm optimistic that it will help me realize what I can do through out the day (the little things) to keep my life , and my family's life, running smoothly!  It also has daily scripture for me to read during my quiet time and has quiet time on my checklist!

This isn't a paid advertisement from Motivated Moms but I think it would be worth at least checking out.  It's very inexpensive (since you download and print it yourself) and they have several options to fit your lifestyle!

What is something you do that has helped you stay on schedule or keep up with a routine? 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Welcome to Redeeming Home!  This is a place where I want to collect and share ideas with other women on making our home a place of rest, comfort and love to our families.

I'm Katie, a daughter of the King, wife to a wonderful husband and mommy to a precious 1 year old named Addie.  I've been married to the Hubs for 5.5 years and have been an at home wife for the last 2 years.  I enjoy all aspects of home decorating and love having friends and family over.

My home is far from perfect.  You will find cobwebs and clutter but I'm striving everyday to make it a place my family wants to be and hope (with a little help from you!) we can achieve this together in our homes.

Here are some of my favorite books on homemaking and Biblical womanhood:

The Home Experience by Devi Titus
I had the pleasure of hearing Devi speak at the True Woman conference and it was such a blessing to me!  This woman has a heart for her home.  She opened my eyes to a new way of approaching homemaking and hospitality.

Organizing for Life by Sandra Felton
I don't know where to begin to tell you how much I love this book.  I've bought so many 'clear the clutter' type books and tried to implement a hundred different systems for cleaning and organizing and none of them seemed to work for me.  This book taught me why!  I wanted to cry when I read it because I was so relieved to know I'm not alone in this struggle!

Life Management for Busy Women by Elizabeth George
A wonderful book (like most books by Elizabeth George) on living out our calling as Christian wives and mothers and practical tips for how to do so.